These Jewelry Secrets Just Can’t Be Found Anywhere Else

29 Apr

These Jewelry Secrets Just Can’t Be Found Anywhere Else

Jewelry can be the perfect gift because people of all ages love to receive it and wear it. There are few gifts that have stood the test of time as jewelry has. Jewelry is always the perfect way to commemorate special events and achievements. This article can instruct you on the things that you need to know about jewelry buying.

Save some of your most fragile jewelry for special occasions only. Some fragile stones like opal and peridot should only be worn for special events and then carefully stored until the next occasion. This may seem irritating since you want to be able to wear your best pieces, but it can prolong their life if you avoid exposing them to harm too often.

Try not to bathe or swim in your fine jewelry. Many times the type of water (hard versus soft) can splash and wear the metal jewelry or stain the stone. There are also chemicals like chlorine found in many swimming pools that can turn stones and badly stain metal jewelry.

When dealing with precious and fragile stone jewelry, take them to get professionally cleaned. This is much better than scratching or destroying them yourself with regular jewelry cleaners. Even the jewelry cloths may be too much for some stones. Make sure though that they are not cleaned too often as this can be very counterproductive and actually weaken the stones.

Sterling silver jewelry makes a great investment. Pieces of jewelry made from sterling silver last for a lifetime and provide endless elegance. Sterling does tarnish, but can be quickly shined up using a polishing cloth. However, pieces of sterling silver jewelry that have specialty coating can last ages without tarnishing.

Keep your fragile stone jewelry stored in separate boxes, away from your other pieces, to prolong the life of these stones. You don’t want them getting scuffed or broken, by being in direct contact with stronger and harder jewelry pieces. Try wrapping these fragile stones in velvet or silk, before placing them in the boxes. It’s best if you keep the boxes that they originally came in, for this purpose.

Jewelry is widely recognized as a gift that everyone loves to receive. It is a great way to mark the special times in your life and can last forever so it is always a great investment, not to mention the sentimental value that jewelry can hold. By learning more about jewelry from this article, you will be equipped to find that special jewelry piece to express your feelings perfectly.

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